Stream & Curriculum
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
What is stream?
STREAM in the Diocese of Buffalo

Learn about the Diocese of Buffalo’s initiative to introduce STREAM into their Catholic Schools, and find out more information on what STREAM is and why it is so important for our children’s education and future!
Diocese of Buffalo’s STREAM Initiative Executive Summary
The STREAM Curriculum Model: Implementation and Best Practices from a Diocesan Perspective
At St. John the Baptist School
we believe that a strong education and rigorous curriculum are necessary for educating every child. We closely follow the standards of New York State and the Diocese of Buffalo.
Follow this link for more information regarding curriculum standards for each subject and grade level.
To ensure student progress we use the STAR assessments three times per year as a benchmark standard. Our students in 3rd – 8th grade participate in the NYS ELA, Math, and Science assessments.
Catholic identity
As a proud Catholic School, Religious Education is woven into every subject we teach, helping our Students understand that part of who we are is in everything we do!
We also strive to build up character traits that are cornerstones of Catholicism, like service, perseverance, kindness and compassion. Service is a large part of our message, and we give our students the guidance and ability to reach out to our School Family and Community in service.
We participate in and lead Weekly Masses and all Holy Days with our congregation. As a school, we learn the meaning behind seasonal services, such as Stations of the Cross, so as to more deeply understand our Faith.
Faith Formation is seamlessly integrated into their grades as they grow, guiding them through these wonderful Sacramental Ceremonies and celebrating them together as a School Family.