Parent Information

Welcome, Parents!
This section will provide you with necessary information and forms, all pertaining to many of the programs and needs for your Student here at St. John’s. We hope you find this section resourceful and comprehensive.
Blue family folder (bff)
The ”Blue Family Folder” (affectionately known as our BFF!) is a weekly email communication from Principal Johnson that contains important and timely information on upcoming events and necessary forms. We encourage you to look at this on the day it is sent, if possible. If you are not receiving this email, please let the office know. Any family member of an enrolled Student (parents, grandparents, etc), School Faculty and Board and School Alumni are all welcome to receive this.
School calendar and lunch menu
Our Yearly “At-A-Glance” School Calendar is put together the summer before school begins to help families plan for the basic layout of the year. **PLEASE NOTE** that on this calendar, all school days off and events are subject to change as the year goes on. Therefore, please only use this as a general early reference, and refer to our monthly calendar below for the most current information!
Check back each month for our newest School Calendar and Lunch Menu!
Health information and forms
Home to School Note – this form is used to communicate needs to the School Office and/or Teachers or Staff. Examples can include: If a Student was absent, needs to leave early, needs to be excused from gym, or you are sending in money (to help the money get to the correct place). Copies of this form are also available in the office.
Authorization for Administration of Medication in School
(used when a child needs a regular daily medication administered by the office/Nurse or even a one-time dose)
Student Physical Form*
(see below to determine if you need to supply a physical to the Office)
Dental Health Certificate (Optional)
*An Updated Physical is REQUIRED for any Student:
- Entering Pre-K, Kindergarten, Grades 1, 3, 5, or 7
- Annually for participation in any interscholastic sport
- As required by CPSE/CSE
Registration and Transportation Forms can be found under their own headers below.
Tuition Information and Registration Forms
Tuition Information
Find more information about our affordable Tuition Rates, flexible payment program and our Financial Aid options at the links below!
New Families
New Student Registration Form
While an investment in tuition adds to the family budget, we hope you will find that the quality education and integrated Faith Formation your child(ren) receives at St. John’s is well worth the financial sacrifice. Please call us with any questions or to schedule a Tour of our School or Shadow Day!
For a more individualized experience with an emphasis on Family, St. John’s Alden is an educational value. Yet, we know that making this choice can sometimes be financially difficult. We wholeheartedly believe that it is an investment in your child’s future, in developing their “whole self” – which will help prepare them greatly for the world, but also help them to impact our world for the better!
Our school offers very competitive rates in the WNY area; we’re an affordable alternative with excellent small class size advantages. Please talk confidentially with our School Principal, Mrs. Johnson about any financial challenges you might have that may be a determining factor in joining our School Family here at St. John’s!
St. John’s School Alden 2024-2025 Tuition & Fee Policy – Put the current Tuition Schedule
Our School Family works together in this goal! We’re in this together. So, in addition to the stated tuition and fees, we ask that your family in Pre-K-4 to Grade 8 complete at least a minimum of thirty (30) hours of active participation in our school. We have a variety of fundraising events and/or other designated school-promoting activities,and this commitment is expected of each family enrolled (ten (10) hours for families in Pre-K 3). This involvement in school activities is not only an essential service for the school, but also helps to foster a sense of community within our School Family!
There are so many ways you can help – from events, to specific needs for the School. You can help out all at once to help coordinate and execute a single event, or a little at a time over the School Year! Should a family choose not to participate in this service requirement, a $300 non-activity fee for K-8 families and $100 non-activity fee for Pre-K families will be added to the tuition charge in June. Families who complete less than the required hours will be billed for the remaining balance of their hours in June.
HSA = Home & School Parent Teacher Association
HSA is our Home & School Association - Everyone at Home and School working together to help the School to flourish and grow. Similar to a “PTO” or “PTA”, we’re a passionate, caring team of Parents, Teachers, Principal and Students that use our combined numbers, time and talents to help fundraise and ”FUN-raise” for the school!
Your time is a priceless gift that all St. John the Baptist School families can give to help make our school the best it can be! Below, under forms, is a link to the F.A.I.T.H. (Families Actively Involved To Help) volunteer packet for you to review. Each packet sent home included a volunteer contract, events/activity sheet, volunteer hour record sheet, chairperson’s reference list, and a brief description of each event that you may choose to volunteer for.
We ask that each family contribute to St. John the Baptist School by fulfilling a minimum 30 hour volunteer commitment. (10 hours for Pre-K 3 only).
All are welcome & encouraged to attend our monthly HSA meetings.
More information on volunteer needs for each specific event will always be announced on our School’s HSA Private Facebook Group, so if you’re on Facebook and not in the group already, please follow this link to be added! (Please note, only active SJS parents, grandparents as active caregivers, and teachers can be added to this group.)
For more information, please call the School Office, or feel free to email any of us below!
2022-2023 HSA Board
Cathie McAuley - President Email:
Jessica Nuhn – Vice President
Shannon Shick – Treasurer
Jennifer Dalfonso – Secretary
PLEASE NOTE – that every parent or grandparent that volunteers at the school, with or without students at an event MUST complete their VIRTUS Training prior to volunteering. If you are unsure whether you need this training, please contact the office.
Uniform Policy
Please visit our Uniforms page for specific information, links, and helpful guides for Families!
Bus Transportation
Busing is available within a 15 mile radius from your home to our school unless otherwise indicated by your school district. District Bus Transportation Request Forms are required to be on file for each Family, even if they will be driven to school by their Parent/Guardian each day. Please send a form to us at the office, and one to your school district.
For your convenience, please visit our Transportation Page for links to each school district’s forms and requirements.
FACTS Tuition Management
St. John’s School utilizes the services of FACTS Tuition Management to handle tuition payments. “FACTS provides flexible payment plan options to families at private and faith-based schools. Families can budget their tuition, making private school more accessible and affordable!” All tuition payments are handled through this management company; all Families must be enrolled and all tuition payments must be made through FACTS.
This can be done online through the link below, or by completing an online application in the School Office or the Parish Business Office. If enrolling online, please follow the link below to set up your account and payment plan!
Please call the office at (716) 937-9483 if you have any questions!
Enroll online: FACTS Tuition Enrollment

Virtus training
DID YOU KNOW? All volunteers are required to attend a local Protecting God’s Children for Adults workshop, prior to assisting at any approved school activities. Once training is completed, VIRTUS online accounts must be kept current at all times. The diocese conducts routine audits, and it is paramount that our school comply with this regulation.
What is VIRTUS?
“VIRTUS is the brand name that identifies best practices programs designed to help prevent wrongdoing and promote “right doing” within religious organizations. The VIRTUS programs empower organizations and people to better control risk and improve the lives of all those who interact with the Church.”
Here is more information on “Protecting God’s Children” from Buffalo’s Diocesan website.
What is a VIRTUS Program/Workshop?
Please visit the VIRTUS Description page for more information!
Volunteers attend a local seminar that presents on child abuse awareness topics, and then completes email bulletins each month, with regular, online re-certification. ”…[T]raining requires an organization first to develop awareness through authoritative facilitator-led awareness sessions (preferably utilizing facilitators who are part of the organization). In-depth training is provided on a regular basis to reinforce the knowledge established in the initial facilitator-led training session and to introduce new points—particularly as the laws change. The best practice standard also requires frequent monitoring of the training to determine effectiveness. The VIRTUS programs meet and exceed the best practice standard.”
All volunteers are required to complete this training! Please visit the VIRTUS website to pre-register for this important training if you will be volunteering in any capacity this school-year, and have not completed the training in the past. As long as you stay current on the monthly email bulletins/online recertifications, you need only to attend a workshop once. Workshops are available several times a week at other locations.
Volunteers must also complete the form below to certify that training has been attended and should remain on file in the school office for the duration of the Student’s attendance at St. John’s.