

How you can support st john's school?

We have faced challenges in the past, but as in our good moments and in our times of trouble, our Faith has kept us on the right course. God has given us the incredible gift of a supportive community that continues to believe in what we aspire to, and endeavor to be part of our mission. We have relied on these steadfast and generous families, parish, alumni, and community to be the “Friends of St. John’s”. The enduring support – emotional, financial and volunteer – of our friends has been essential, and we are forever grateful.

Please consider supporting our School, our Students and our Teachers, by helping to enrich the learning environment that continues the St. John’s mission started in 1853; to help our Students be the best people they can be in their own communities!

Your generosity can help us continue to thrive for generations to come! You can make a difference by donating in any of these helpful ways:

Online Giving – I will give you the link for our online donations

One Time Friendly Gift – A one-time donation that will help us to reach our necessary goal and address any immediate financial challenges that may arise as we reopen following the COVID-19 Pause.

Monthly Friendship – A set monthly donation amount that will help to ensure the continued sustainability of our financial goals.

Donate to the “Friends of St. John” Tuition Assistance Fund:

The Friends of St. John’s Fund is a tuition assistance fund managed by the Principal and Pastoral Administrator. The Friends of St. John’s Fund receives donations throughout the year, but also holds a month-long campaign in St. John’s Church during the month of June. Assistance from this fund is given to those with short-term financial difficulties as well as those who require aid throughout the year. 

Any questions about this fund can be directed to: 
Principal Zachary Yoder (716-937-9483) 

Please mail donations to:

The Friends of St. John’s
c/o St. John’s Church
2021 Sandridge Road
Alden, NY  14004

Thank you for your support!

You are always welcome to stop in, or send in any donations by mail to the school, or you can now visit the online Tuition Assistance Giving page! Please know that your donations are gratefully received by our Families in need. This donation can be can be given to the general fund to be distributed equally, or given to a specific family you may want to designate.

Give to the School in generous support of Catholic Education!

Please visit our online giving page to support St. John’s School in a more general way, or feel free to utilize any of the in-person or offline donation options above. Thank you!

Donate for a specific cause or need that is close to your heart OR Donate your services or in-kind goods to our school:

As a School in an old building with “character” and so much incredible history, we always seem to have a running list of repairs, improvements and upgrades needed and wanted for our classrooms, our building, our programs, curriculum enrichment, technology, and with COVID-19 changing the way schools operate, our list includes some new additions for safety that we’d never thought we’d need. As we compile the list and place it online, please feel free to earmark a specific need you would like to help with for an even more meaningful donation if needed to purchase new – or if you can help with your time and talent in repairs, are willing to donate goods, services or items from your business or your home (bookshelves are ALWAYS appreciated)! We would love to speak more with you about what we can do together to help keep our building and our programs running smoothly and modernizing while staying true to our traditional roots and history!

Help our Devoted Teachers purchase special items for their classrooms:

Volunteer or donate to help support one of our HSA fundraising events! (see below for more information)

Create an endowment fund or scholarship in memory of someone incredibly special:

Purchase through Amazon Smile:

Drop off Returnable Bottles and Cans to “Can-Can Recycling Center” in Alden:

Contact Information:

You may contact me, Mrs. Jonna Johnson (School Principal), by email or via (716) 937-9483, if you have any additional questions or if you would like to mail a check or stop in to give a cash donation.

Mail-in Donations:

Our School Address is 2028 Sandridge Rd, Alden NY 14004.

Now more than ever, our world needs good people… together with our families, you can help us to continue the important mission of teaching our kids to be morally and ethically strong. Our Catholic Schools need to continue to succeed and thrive, and we cannot thank you enough for your enduring support!

Hsa = home school association

HSA is our Home & School Association - Everyone at  Home  and  School working together to help the School to flourish and grow. Similar to a “PTO” or “PTA”, we’re a passionate, caring team of Parents, Teachers, Principal and Students that use our combined numbers, time and talents to help fundraise  and  “FUN-raise” for the school!

At  St. John the Baptist School, we strive to create a Christ-centered atmosphere where teachers, students and staff can do their best. The HSA is such an integral part of that goal! The Home School Association Board Members would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our families – Parents and Grandparents, you are automatically a part of the HSA when you have a child enrolled at our school! 

Your time is a priceless gift that all St. John the Baptist School families can give to help make our school the best it can be! Below, under forms, is a link to the F.A.I.T.H. (Families Actively Involved To Help) volunteer packet for you to review. Each packet sent home included a volunteer contract, events/activity sheet, volunteer hour record sheet, chairperson’s reference list, and a brief description of each event that you may choose to volunteer for.

We ask that each family contribute to St. John the Baptist School by fulfilling a minimum 30 hour volunteer commitment. (10 hours for Pre-K 3 only). As a family, if you haven’t yet filled out the F.A.I.T.H. Packet, please download below and return to School as soon as possible to help in planning. Thank you!

Many hands make light work! We need all of our Families to make our Fundraisers and Events a success and to continue the growth of our school. There is so much we can do together for the future of our students! 

All are welcome & encouraged to attend our monthly HSA meetings.

More information on volunteer needs for each specific event will always be announced on our  School’s Private Facebook Group for HSA, so if you’re on FB and not in the group already, please  follow this link  to ask to be added! (Please note, only active SJS parents, grandparents and teachers can be added to this group.)

For more information, please call the School Office, or feel free to email any of us below!

PLEASE NOTE – that every parent or grandparent that volunteers at the school, with or without students at an event MUST complete their  VIRTUS Training  prior to volunteering. If you are unsure whether you need this training, please contact the office.

Alumni appeal

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